Myself and my Future

Myself and my Future

An alternative title I had in mind was “Two things I don’t particularly enjoy talking about”. Joking of course, I just dislike the self imposed pressure of being on the spot, my own spot!

Where do I see myself in 5 years as an instructor? A more refined, resourceful, reflecting individual than I am today, while still maintaining my personal demeanor and core values.

Three things I hope to actively work on, and achieve on or before 5 years time:

  • Hopefully have successfully completed my PIDP and capstone project, and have some time to reflect on what I’ve learned through the provincial instructor program, how I can continue to integrate what I’ve learnt into my classroom, and how I can continue to stay sharp in both my trade and educational roles.
  • Through this course I’ve come to realize we don’t have as much of a finger on the pulse of the classroom as we think we might. Through gaining students trust though, they become more willing to share the hidden information that benefits both them and I. I plan to maintain my authenticity to gain students trust, and keep using anonymous questionnaires such as the CIQ’s used by Brookfield to garner information the students might not always be forthcoming with.
  • Finally, in 5 years time I’d like to reach out to students I’ve had throughout the years and have a casual but serious talk with them. Some of these students will potentially be journeymen with a few years of experience behind them, some of these students may still be apprentices, and some of these students may have left the trade entirely. One thing I remember clearly from when I interviewed for the position of instructor, was my Dean asking why I wanted to be an instructor. My answer then, is my answer now, and I hope is my answer as long as I’m in education. I told her that I wanted to “share my passion for the trades with students, and give them the same opportunity of learning that I was given as I apprenticed”.

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